The fees at our practice ranges depending on the experience of the therapist and type of session and are in accordance to the professional ethical standards recommended by the BC Association of Clinical Counsellors. For each counsellor’s fees please visit their page.
We understand that counselling is not always accessible due to financial reasons and for this reason we do offer a limited amount of sliding scale spots at $110 + GST per 50 minute session.
50 minute online counselling: $135-145 + GST
75 minute session: $180-210 + GST
There are limited sliding scale options available at a rate of $110.00 + GST for students and low-income clients. Feel free to reach out to see if you qualify.
Third Party Payment:
If you have been approved for sessions through the CVAP program Amy is a registered CVAP provider and so you may be able to submit your receipts for reimbursement through CVAP. Please note that we do not offer direct billing to third-party payments, but instead provide you with a receipt that you may submit yourself. If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to chat with your counsellor our connect with our admin at